Health Care Professionals

Workshop Resources

Outer Dissolving Meditation

The Outer Dissolving meditation is a somatic meditation for transforming and releasing tensions, energetic blockages, pains, and “anything that doesn’t feel quite right”. The meditation may be done as a whole (~1 hour) or in parts (e.g. just the head, or specific area that needs healing).

The basic premise of the meditation is to use one’s awareness to scan the body and transform tensions and blockages. These things that don’t feel quite right are treated as solids, like ice, that are allowed to melt into liquid, like water, and then released as a gas, like water vapor — allowing it all to soften and then evaporate.

It is most helpful not to spend overlong on a stubborn area that transforms slowly, but rather to practice the meditation, or some part of it, regularly; practice makes for a more focused (and hence more effective) awareness, and has a cumulative effect. Even the smallest of transformations, done enough times, can add up to great shifts. So if you feel a only a bit of softening, or feel softening without evaporation, don’t fret, just come back to it again next time.

Remember that the “gong” in “qigong” means the skill gained from practice!